SCH Number 2011121069

Project Info

Village Specific Plan
Note: Reference SCH# 1988011314. The proposed Village Specific Plan is intended to guide future public and private development within the Village area over the next 30 years. To achieve the City's Community Plan objective of creating an economically viable, pedestrian oriented and attractive area that serves the needs of both residents and visitors and is well integrated into the residential fabric of the community, the proposed Village Specific Plan establishes new public improvements in the streetscape; a new mixed-use zone, development standards and design guidelines for private properties; and infrastructure to support future development. The proposed Village Specific Plan requires the discretionary actions on the part of the City Council for adoption and for an associated Local Coastal Plan Amendment to address the rezone of the area. It will also be subjected to a vote of the people per Del Mar's Downtown Initiative Overlay Zone (Measure B) requirements.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Del Mar Village Specific Plan
City of Del Mar Village Specific Plan