SCH Number 2011121037
Project Info
- Title
- Roberts Center Development Agreement
- Description
- FYI Final The proposed project would demolish all existing improvements on the project site. The proposed project would consists of mixed uses in four buildings and would include creative office/prodcution space, neighborhood-serving retail and restaurant space such as a green grocer or cafe, and between 169 to 231 housing units. The proposed project would result in the construction of approximately 304,368 sf of building area within four buildings. The buildings would be five stories. Under Option 1, a maximum of approximately 95,151 sf of creative office uses, 22,050 sf of retail, 22,468 sf of amenity/open space (including the spa/gym or game room), and 169 residential units. Option 2 would develop up to 37,220 sf of creative office, 22,050 sf of retail, 22,468 sf of amenity/open space (including the spa/gym or game room), and 231 residential units.
3 documents in project