SCH Number 2011102035
Project Info
- Title
- Acheson Commons
- Description
- The proposed project would involve the construction of 202 new dwelling units and 3 live/work units and the rehabilitation of ~33,250 sf of commercial space. The project site is currently developed with four one-story commercial buildings, one four-story office building and two two-story residential buildings. Residential uses would be constructed above two of the single story buildings. The two residential buildings would be removed and a mixed-use building would be constructed in their place. The office building would be converted to residential uses (~16,800 sf of office use would be removed from the project site.) Several of the buildings on the project site are City of Berkeley Landmarks and, according to the criteria set forth by the State Office of Historic Preservation (OHP), appear eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places.
2 documents in project