SCH Number 2011092061

Project Info

Helena Chemical Co. UP10-0003, ZCA-0002, LLA11-0001
This proposed project includes the development of approximately 10 acres of undeveloped land, and construction of a regional agricultural fertilizer and supply receiving and distribution center. With the development footprint, the applicant will construct an office, storage buildings for dry and liquid agricultural materials, a warehouse, and a storm water retention basin. The project will also include the creation of a railroad spur connection to the adjacent Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) line for bulk delivery of agricultural fertilizer and a driveway on the southern parcel border. Project activities include grubbing and grading of the entire Project site, trench digging, road construction, and other activities.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Butte County The Helena Chemical Nelson Terminal Project (California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2013-024-02 (ITP))
Butte County Helena Chemical Co. UP10-0003, ZCA-0002, LLA11-0001
Butte County Helena Chemical Co. UP10-0003, ZCA-0002, LLA11-0001