SCH Number 2011092022

Project Info

Diridon Station Area Plan (PP09-163)
Adopt the Diridon Station Area Plan (DSAP), which establishes a vision for future development of the Diridon Station and surrounding areas in response to the planned extension of the Bay Area Rapid Transit to San Jose and the construction of the CA High Speed Rail project. The DSAP includes the following components: 1) A conceptual plan for the expansion of the existing Diridon Station and transit center to accommodate BART and HSR; 2) An amendment to the Envision San Jose 2040 General Plan Transportation and Land Use Diagram; 3) Transportation Improvement Strategies, and; 4) Design Guidelines to encourage transit and pedestrian-oriented development within an approx. 0.5 miles radius of station.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of San Jose Diridon Station Area Plan (PP09-163)
City of San Jose Diridon Station Area Plan Subsequent Program EIR