SCH Number 2011081079

Project Info

Pacific Gas and Electric Point Buchon Ocean Bottom Seismometer Project
PG&E has requested an amendment to the approved Project analyzed in the MND adopted on March 29, 2012. Such amendment would reflect the installation of four autonomous ocean bottom seismometer (AOBS) units and removal of the cabled ocean bottom seismometer system, and biannual recovery, servicing, and redeployment activities associated with the four AOBS units. The State Lands Commission action is an amendment to a 10-year General Lease - Data Collection Use through March 28, 2023.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California State Lands Commission Point Buchon Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) Project
California State Lands Commission Point Buchon Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) Project
California State Lands Commission Pacific Gas and Electric Point Buchon Ocean Bottom Seismometer Project
California State Lands Commission Pacific Gas and Electric Point Buchon Ocean Bottom Seismometer Project