SCH Number 2011051029

Project Info

Trancas Highlands Water System and Utility Improvements and Two Single-Family Residences on Anacapa View Drive
The project comprises infrastructure improvements and two new single-family residences to be constructed in the Trancas Highlands area in and adjacent to the City of Malibu, near the northern city limits and Trancas Canyon Road. The initial study and mitigated negative declaration have been revised to amend the visual analysis with additional information on public views, update the air quality analysis, add comment letters received during the original public comment period and add clarifications where needed, and make other nonsubstantive text edits and clarifications.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Malibu Initial Study No. 07-005 and Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 07-005 for the Trancas Highlands Water System and Utility Improvements and Two New Single-Family
City of Malibu Trancas Highlands Water System and Utility Improvements and Two Single-Family Residences on Anacapa View Drive
City of Malibu Trancas Highlands Water System and Utility Improvements and Two Single-Family Residences on Anacapa View Drive