SCH Number 2011042095
Project Info
- Title
- Coastal Prairie Trail
- Description
- The project is limited to installing a 120-foot-long, 8-foot-wide single-span pre fabricated, wooden deck bridge to be placed over an unnamed stream. The bridge will be constructed on 24-inch-in-diameter concrete piers that will be installed 10 to 12 feet deep above the ordinary high water mark (OHWM). The bridge will be side girder type structure constructed from pressure treated glue-laminated beams and pressure treated timber, the bridge structure includes 54-inch-high untreated cedar or redwood handrails. The bridge will include 32-foot long, 8-foot-wide boardwalk approaches on both ends of the bridge in order to complete the span over the stream. There will be 12-foot by 10-foot concrete landing pads at both ends of the boardwalk sections. The boardwalk sections will be installed on 12-inch-diamter concrete pier footings at a maximum depth of 10-feet. The board approaches will also include 54-inch high untreated cedar of redwood handrails. The project is located at an unnamed tributary to the Pacific Ocean, in the County of Sonoma, State of California; Latitude 38.345381N, Longitude 123.053494W; the entrance road to the Bodega Dunes Campground bisects the project site. The California Department of Fish and Game is executing a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement Number 1600-2012-0111-3 pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project Applicant, Sonoma County Regional Parks.
3 documents in project