SCH Number 2011042069

Project Info

Upper Truckee River Sunset Stables Reach Restoration Project
The project proposes to restore the Sunset Stables reach of the Upper Truckee River by constructing approximately 12,000 feet of new river channel. The proposed project would result in a geomorphically stable channel more consistent with the current flow and sediment transport needs of the river. The streambanks would be stabilized with riparian vegetation, sod blocks, large wood, and/or rock.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Tahoe Conservancy Upper Truckee River Sunset Stables Reach Restoration Project
California Tahoe Conservancy Upper Truckee River Sunset Stables Reach Restoration Project
California Tahoe Conservancy Upper Truckee River Sunset Stables Reach Restoration Project