SCH Number 2011041017
Project Info
- Title
- Rancho Jurupa Regional Sports Complex Well Pump Acquisition
- Description
- Note: Reference SCH# 2010051006 In May, 2010, an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) was prepared for the Rancho Jurupa Regional Sports Complex ("Sports Park") and circulated for a 30-day period between May 4, 2010, and June 2, 2010, to the State Clearinghouse, Responsible Agencies, and interested parties. The project evaluated in the IS/MND for the Sports Park was the construction and operation of a sports park and associated amenities, an approximately 16-inch diameter well to be constructed on property owned by the adjacent Flabob Airport, an approximately 20,000-gallon to 40,000-gallon bolted steel water reservoir, and a booster station. The IS/MND and Sports Park were approved by the County of Riverside Board of Supervisors on June 15, 2010, and the Notice of Determination was filed with the County Clerk and State Clearinghouse.
2 documents in project