SCH Number 2011022028
Project Info
- Title
- Open Door Community Health Center
- Description
- The Open Door Community Health Center (ODCHC) is requesting permit approval for the construction of a new consolidated health center on 1.82 acres at the northeastern terminus of Tydd Street which is within the coastal zone. The new health center would be a two-story approximately 27,000 sq ft facility. The proposed development would maintain a 100 foot buffer between the development and the adjacent wetlands to the south. For the purposes of permitting, the use proposed by ODCHC is being considered a "Charitable Institution," which is defined in the Coastal Zoning Regulations, in part, as "A non-profit institution devoted to the housing, training, or care of children, or of aged, indigent, handicapped, or underprivileged persons..." Both the Service Commercial and the Multi-Family Residential zone districts conditionally permit charitable institutions, therefore a Conditional Use Permit is required. Because of the property's location in the coastal zone, a Coastal Development Permit is required.
2 documents in project