SCH Number 2011011004
Project Info
- Title
- EIR 13-02/GPA 07-02/ZCA 07-01/LCPA 07-02 General Plan Update
- Description
- This project consists of a comprehensive update to the Carlsbad General Plan, which provides goals and policies to guide city actions relative to the city's development through year 2035; the General Plan update also includes an update to the Housing Element for the 2013-2021 housing planning period. For consistency with the General Plan's updated land use and mobility policies, amendments are proposed to the General Plan Land Use Map, Zoning Ordinance, Zoning Map, Local Coastal Program land use and zoning maps, and the city's Growth Management circulation performance standard. In addition, a Climate Action Plan is proposed, which supplements the draft General Plan's sustainability policies by establishing a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions within the city. A program EIR has been prepared for the project and includes an analysis of potential environmental impacts associated with the project.
5 documents in project
Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
NOD | City of Carlsbad | Housing Element Update | |
NOD | City of Carlsbad | General Plan Update | |
EIR | City of Carlsbad | EIR 13-02/GPA 07-02/ZCA 07-01/LCPA 07-02 General Plan Update | |
EIR | City of Carlsbad | EIR 13-02/GPA 07-02/ZCA 07-01/LCPA 07-02 General Plan Update | |
NOP | City of Carlsbad | Envision Carlsbad |