SCH Number 2010122030
Project Info
- Title
- Beltz Well No. 12 Project
- Description
- The Proposed Project (Beltz Well No. 12) would be installed on a vacant lot located at the intersection of Research Park Drive and Cory Street in Soquel, CA. The new well will be drilled to an approximate April 15 to November 15. Production from Beltz Well No. 12 would not increase the City's long term historic Purisima groundwater extraction, but would instead redistribute a portion of existing City production inland to protect the aquifer from seawater intrusion. The City's maximum future Purisima groundwater production with the addition of Beltz Well No. 12, will be up to 520 acre-ft/yr in non-critically dry years and up to 645 acre-ft/yr in critically dry years.
4 documents in project