SCH Number 2010122029

Project Info

San Bruno Transit Corridors Plan
NOTE: Final 1 -CD The City of San Bruno is proposing to adopt the San Bruno Transit Corridors Specific Plan, which would set forth a transformative new vision for transit oriented mixed used development, including housing and commercial uses, in the Transit Corridors Area (approximately 160-acres) centered on the new San Bruno Avenue Caltrain Station, and including downtown San Bruno along San Mateo Avenue and portions of El Camino Real, San Bruno Avenue and Huntington Avenue. The proposed Plan would establish a development framework, development standard and design guidelines for public and private realm improvements, transportation and infrastructure improvements, as well as implementation strategies to achieve that vision.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of San Bruno Mills Park Center Project
City of San Bruno San Bruno Transit Corridors Plan
City of San Bruno San Bruno Transit Corridors Plan
City of San Bruno San Bruno Transit Corridors Plan
City of San Bruno San Bruno Transit Corridors Plan