SCH Number 2010102010

Project Info

Citywide Agricultural Lands Preservation Program and Southeast Quadrant Land Use Plan
Note: Response to comment. The proposed project consists of the following programmatic elements: (1) Adoption of a Citywide Agricultural Lands Preservation Program; (2) Boundary Adjustments of the City limits (i.e., annexation), urban service area, urban growth boundary and urban limit line; (3) establishment of Sports-Recreation-Leisure General Plan and Zoning Code Designations; (4) City General Plan Amendments and Zoning Amendments to amend the land use designations and prezone lands within the Southeast Quadrant area, and adopt text amendments to the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance for project consistency; (5) Project application (Four projects are evaluated at a programmatic level of detail); and (6) the following project element: South County Catholic High School (1,600 student private high school on 38 acres).
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Morgan Hill Citywide Agricultural Lands Preservation Program and Southeast Quadrant Land Use Plan
City of Morgan Hill City of Morgan Hill SE Quadrant General Plan Amendments and Agricultural Mitigation & Preservation Program