SCH Number 2010091042

Project Info

Kenyon 4 Lot Subdivision, 3200 20857 (TPM) & 3500 10-014 (STP), ER 04-15-002
The project proposes a minor subdivision of 21 acres into four parcels. Parcel 1 will measure approximately (+/-) 7.0 acres net, Parcel 2 will measure approximately (+/-) 4 acres net, and Parcel 3 will measure approximately (+/-) 8.9 acres. Parcel 3 has an existing single-family residence, stable, and a horse coral. The proposed project anticipates the construction of two single-family residences on parcels 1 and 2. The proposed project is not proposing any grading or construction with the proposed Tentative Parcel Map. The project is subject to the Regional Land Use Element 1.5 Country Towns (CT). The regional designation is (1) Residential. The current zone for the property is RS 4, which is Residential. The project site will be serviced by the Pine Valley Fire protection District.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Diego County Kenyon 3 Lot Subdivision, 3200 20857 (TPM), 3500 10-014 (STP) & 3910 04-15-002 (ER)
San Diego County Kenyon 4 Lot Subdivision, 3200 20857 (TPM) & 3500 10-014 (STP), ER 04-15-002