SCH Number 2010081014

Project Info

Atlanta Avenue Widening Project
Coastal Development Permit No. 09-001 and Conditional Use Permit No. 09-019 represent a City proposed request to widen Atlanta Avenue from Huntington Street to Delaware Street to comply with primary arterial street classification in the General Plan Circulation Element. The proposed project would also bring the subject segment of Atlanta Avenue into compliance with the Orange County Master Plan of Arterial Highways (MPAH). The coastal development permit is required to allow construction of the project and associated improvements within the non-appealable area of the coastal zone. The conditional use permit is required to allow an eight-foot tall block wall atop a variable coastal zone. The conditional use permit is required to allow an eight-foot tall block wall atop a variable height (zero to seven feet) retaining wall in lieu of the maximum 42-inch allowable height within the 10-foot front yard setback. The proposed street improvements will provide an additional through lane and bike lane in each direction of travel. In addition, the project's scope of work includes clearing and grubbing, the construction of asphalt concrete roadways, striping, curb, gutter, sidewalk, an eight-foot tall concrete block wall atop a variable height (seven feet max.) retaining wall, landscaping (including the removal or relocation of 25 trees with the existing mobile home park), reconstruction of a 24-foot wide drive aisle (circulation road) and two emergency access gates within the mobile home park, and utility and fire hydrant adjustment and relocation.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Huntington Beach Atlanta Avenue Widening Project
City of Huntington Beach Atlanta Avenue Widening Project
City of Huntington Beach Atlanta Avenue Widening Project