SCH Number 2010072071
Project Info
- Title
- City of Williams General Plan Update
- Description
- Pursuant to the CEQA, the City of Williams has prepared a DEIR to evaluate the environmental impacts resulting from implementation of the proposed General Plan Update. The General Plan Update will include the following seven State mandated elements. Land Use, Public Safety, Noise, Open Space and Conservation, Circulation, and Housing and one additional element Public Facilities and Growth Capacity have been included. The Open Space and Conservation element were combined into one section with Parks to more comprehensively address these topics in a coordinated fashion. Public Facilities and Growth Capacity have been included as an element to provide the community with direction related to timely extension of adequate infrastructure, provision of quality public services, and a logical sequencing of future development. The project analyzed in this EIR is the adoption and long-term implementation of a comprehensive update and revision of the 1988 Williams General Plan. The Updated General Plan will serve as the blueprint for the City of Williams and will establish goals, policies, and programs for the long-term physical development, quality of life, and public safety in the community. The Upland General Plan includes a land use designation map (Figure 3.5) that replaces the land use designation map associated with the 1988 General Plan. The City has established 2030 as the horizon year for the Updated General Plan; in other words, the year by which the City would expect that policies and programs would ultimately be realized.
2 documents in project