SCH Number 2010071013

Project Info

Oster (Las Pilitas Quarry) Conditional Use Permit / Reclamation Plan DRC2016-00115, ED16-340
The County will use the Nov. 2014 Final EIR, where applicable, to prepare a Revised Draft EIR and evaluate a Reduced Project Alternative for the Las Pilitas aggregate quarry.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Luis Obispo County Oster (Las Pilitas Quarry) Conditional Use Permit / Reclamation Plan DRC2016-00115, ED16-340
San Luis Obispo County Las Pilitas Quarry Conditional Use Permit and Reclamation Plan
San Luis Obispo County Oster Living Trust (Las Pilitas Quarry) Condition Use Permit and Reclamation Plan - DRC2009-00025 (ED09-258)