SCH Number 2010062084

Project Info

CPN Grizzly Island Station Project
The project is limited to construction of a 0.14 acre gravel pad and associated facilities to support the inspection, repair, and general maintenance of CPN's existing Steelhead gas pipeline. The California Department of Fish and Game is executing a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement Number 1600-2010-0251-3 pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project Applicant, Mike Rodgers, CPN Pipeline Company. The project is located approximately 10 miles southeast of the City of Suisun, in Solano County, State of California; The project is in the California Department of Fish and Game Grizzly Island Wildlife Area near the easterly terminus of Grizzly Island Road; Assessors Parcel Number 46-230-040 and 46-240-030.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Solano County Use Permit Application No. U-10-02 of CPN Pipeline Company
Solano County Use Permit Application No. U-10-02 of CPN Pipeline Company
Solano County CPN Grizzly Island Station Project