SCH Number 2010061081

Project Info

Santa Paula Rock, Gravel, and Sand CUP and Reclamation Plan
The project involves a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and Reclamation Plan to allow the stockpiling, crushing, washing, recycling, sorting, processing, and selling of rock, gravel, and sand ("aggregate") and recyclable building materials, including masonry products, base, asphalt, and concrete. The project includes temporary and operational phases. The temporary phase involves the transfer of currently stockpiled aggregate to an adjacent, permanent site. After the material has been transferred and the Cup is approved, the existing business would begin its operation under the CUP. During operation, the project would generate as estimated 50 to 100 customer truck trips per day for delivery of aggregate material.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Santa Paula Santa Paula Rock, Gravel, and Sand CUP and Reclamation Plan
City of Santa Paula Santa Paula Rock, Gravel, and Sand LLC Conditional Use Permit (10-CUP-01)