SCH Number 2010061069

Project Info

Hollister Urban Area Water and Wastewater Master Plan and Coordinated Water Supply and Treatment Plan
Implementation of a comprehensive water and wastewater program to meet the existing and future water resources needs of the Hollister Urban Area. The Program will Implement a variety off projects for water, wastewater, and recycled water facilities and management actions. Facilities will include a new water treatment plant, upgrades to the existing Lessalt water treatment plant, water storage, demineralization of urban wells, the North County Groundwater Bank, and others.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Benito County Water District Hollister Urban Area Water and Wastewater Master Plan
San Benito County Water District Hollister Urban Area Water and Wastewater Master Plan and Coordinated Water Supply and Treatment Plan
San Benito County Water District Hollister Urban Area Water and Wastewater Master Plan and Coordinated Water Supply and Treatment Plan