SCH Number 2010054002

Project Info

Pala Gateway Project
The Pala Band of Mission Indians has asked the BIA to take 90.53 +/- acres of land into trust on behalf of the Tribe, on which the Tribe proposes to develop a mix of uses on ~25 acres (27% of the 90.53 acre site) including a cultural center, cultural village complex, trail and associated facilities. The permanent structure and surface (4,000 sf cultural center) occupy ~3.5 acres of the project site (approximately 4% of the project site). The other 21.5 acres would be developed with non-permanent features such as a meeting area, dance area, traditional field game site, interpretive village, unpaved parking and gardens.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs Pala Gateway Project
United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs Pala Gateway Project