SCH Number 2010051011

Project Info

William Lyon Home's Vista Verde Residential Project
To replace a former school site with up to 55 single-family detached homes on an 8.47-gross acre site. Applications submitted in support of the project include a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change to convert the existing Institutional - Educational Facilities General Plan Land Use and Zoning Designations to a Medium Density Residential General Plan Land Use Designation and a Low Density Residential Zoning Designation. A unique zoning letter designation allowing for minimum 3,300-sf lots and limiting building height to 30-feet will be established. Special development requirements limiting development to single family residential and park; establishing standards for additions to properties visible to Michelson Drive and Rosa Drew Lane; and requiring a substantial landscape setback is provided between Michelson Drive and the projects perimeter wall. Subsequent related applications include a Vesting Tentative Tract Map, Master Plan, and Park Plan to follow.
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6 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Irvine Vista Verde Residential Project - Vesting Tentative Tract Map 17358 (00498607-PTT), Park Plan (00498604-PPP), and Master Plan (00498603-PMP)
City of Irvine Vista Verde Residential Project - Zone Change 00490447-PZC (2nd Reading of Zone Change)
City of Irvine General Plan Amendment 00490443-PGA and Zone Change 00490447-PZC
City of Irvine William Lyon Home's Vista Verde Residential Project
City of Irvine William Lyon Home's Vista Verde Residential Project
City of Irvine William Lyon Home's Vista Verde Residential Project