SCH Number 2010032102

Project Info

Humboldt Bay Upland Dredge Disposal Site
The project is a Coastal Development Permit and Conditional Use Permit to re-open the previously permitted Humboldt Bay Upland Dredge Disposal Site on the Samoa Peninsula so that it is available as a dredged material disposal site for various dredge projects on Humboldt Bay. Individual dredging operations, whether Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation and Conservation District (HBHR&CD) or other public or private concern, will need separate CEQA analysis and permitting review. The Disposal Site consists of two sediment dewatering basins and upper primary disposal/dewatering area and a lower, secondary decant basin. The primary disposal area is approximately 6.57 acres in area and the secondary decant basin is approximately 5.92 acres in area. The two basins have a capacity to accommodate a total of approximately 44,770 cubic yards of sediment. The site will be open for disposal 24 hours per day. During cutter suction dredging operations (to be permitted separately) dredge spoils will not result in runoff associated with dredge disposal activity leaving the project isite. Dredge material to be disposed at the site must comply with the sampling protocol, analytical suite, detection limits, and screening levels approved by the Regional Water Quality Control Board.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Humboldt Bay Harbor Humboldt Bay Upland Dredge Disposal Site
Humboldt Bay Harbor Humboldt Bay Upland Dredge Disposal Site