SCH Number 2010031009

Project Info

USA/BLM Carmel StoneMine
The project consists of a Use Permit and Reclamation Plan for a surface mining operation on approximately 12 acres on Federal land (Bureau of Land Management). The mining permit would allow a 25-year Carmel Stone (Monterey shale) phased operation to excavate up to 610,000 tons of material over the 25-year life of the mine (approximately 29,800 tons for the first five years, and increase to 115,000 in year 6 and up to 185,000 for each subsequent five years), with no permanent facilities on site. This property is located approximately six miles west of Hwy 101 and San Ardo, northerly of San Ardo-Lockwood Road, west of Williams Hill, a portion of Section 28, T22S, R9E, and Section 29, T22S R9E, (Assessor's Parcel No. 422-101-002-000), South County Area Plan. Access is from San Ardo Lockwood Road.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Monterey County USA/BLM Carmel StoneMine
Monterey County BLM/Querfurth