SCH Number 2010022055
Project Info
- Title
- North Sacramento Photovoltaic Renewable Solar Energy Facility
- Description
- A Zoning Agreement Amendment to release the property from all, or a portion of, the conditions of the prior Zoning Agreement adopted by Resolution No. 95-0116, and to adopt a new Zoning Ordinance, in order to allow a 10 megawatt solar energy facility (photovoltaic panels) on a 91 acre site in the M-2 (Heavy Industrial) and M-2 (F)(Flood Combining Zone) zones. A Special Development Permit to allow an alternative design by deviating from the following development standards. An Abandonment of an Irrevocable Offer of Dedication (I.O.D.) for an access road with cul-de-sac that extends westerly from West 6th Street through the site.
3 documents in project