SCH Number 2010022012
Project Info
- Title
- Lodi West 60kV Power Line Project
- Description
- NOTE: Review per lead The project consists of a new 60 kV electrical power line to increase the reliability of the existing electrical supply to Lodi Electrical Utility customers by building a 7.8 mile long power line connecting Lodi to the regional power grid at a second location west of I-5. The tie-in will occur at the existing Northern California Power Agency's 230kV switchyard facility near the City of Lodi's White slough Water Pollution Control Plant. The 60 kV power like will be supported by both wooden poles (approximately 127) and steel poles (approximately 13) located at critical angle points or crossings. The poles will be placed in existing public rights-of-way and existing poles will be replaced. Existing distribution and communication lines will be relocated to the new 60 kV power poles. On average the poles will be a minimum of 57 feet above ground level.
2 documents in project