SCH Number 2010011084
Project Info
- Title
- ENV-2009-3754
- Description
- Note: Reconsideration (Addendum) Pursuant to the Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) Section 13.08, a Echo Park Community Design Overlay Review to permit the demolition of five residential buildings with a total of 18 units and the construction of a 75-unit senior apartment project with 39 parking spaces on a 49,646 sq. ft. site in the R3-1Vl-CDo Zone. The maximum permitted density on the lot is 62 units. However, pursuant to Government Code 65,915 and LAMC Section 12.22.A.25, the applicant is utilizing a 20% density bonus, to provide 13 additional units. In addition, a Haul Route is considered for the export of ~ 6,300 cubic yards of soil from the property over five days.
2 documents in project