SCH Number 2009122051
Project Info
- Title
- Giacomini Lot Line Adjustment
- Description
- Lot Line Adjustment between 3 existing parcels. Parcel 1 is approximately 5.82 acres in size and remains undeveloped at this time. Parcel 2 is approximately 7.19 acres and is currently developed with an approximately 1,400 ft. square single-family residence, approximately 900 ft. square mobile home, barn, and a number of other agricultural and accessory structures. Parcel 3 consists of a 0.9 acre strip of land approximately 35 feet wide and 1,777 feet long. Parcel 3 is developed with on agricultural structure and is encroached upon by a structure partially located on Parcel 2. The Lot Line Adjustment proposes to reconfigure the boundaries of Parcel 3 adding approximately 1.87 acres of land taken from Parcel 1 and Parcel 2. All three parcels lie within the boundaries of the Humboldt Community Services District. The single-family residence on Parcel 2 in currently servced by a private sewage disposal system. Though no new development is proposed at this time, the development potential of Parcel 3 will be greatly increase. Therefore, the proposed Lot Line Adjustment cannot be considered "de minimis".
2 documents in project