SCH Number 2009122029

Project Info

SFPUC Peninsula Watershed Geotechnical Investigation Project
Installation of ~17 piezometers (water pressure meters) in boreholes as well as trenches, 2 soil test pits, 28 hand augured soil testing sites, 20 surface soil sampling sites, and up to 5 trenches to located the San Andreas Fault at sites within SFPUC Peninsula watershed lands in unincorporated San Mateo County to cupport the successful implementation of the SFPUC's proposed Habitat Reserve Program (HRP) and the SFPUC's Crystal Springs San Andreas Transmission Upgrade Project (CSSA Project).
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City and County of San Francisco SFPUC Peninsula Watershed Geotechnical Investigation Project
City and County of San Francisco SFPUC Peninsula Watershed Geotechnical Investigation Project