SCH Number 2009121029

Project Info

Citrus In-Lieu and Associated Distribution Recycled Water Pipelines
EMWD proposes to install a primary recycled water conveyance pipeline as part of the initial segment of a recycled water system to deliver recycled water to existing citrus users in the east Hemet area. EMWD also proposes to provide three secondary recycled water distribution pipelines to other users in the City of San Jacinto to replace an existing demand on regional groundwater and imported potable water supplies.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) Citrus In-Lieu and Associated Distribution Recycled Water Pipelines
Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) Citrus In-Lieu and Associated Distribution Recycled Water Pipelines
Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) Citrus In-Lieu and Associated Distribution Recycled Water Pipelines