SCH Number 2009121020

Project Info

Circulation Element Update
The Revised DEIR identifies potential effects with respect to land use, biological resources, aesthetics, hydrology/water quality, air quality, GHGE, traffic, noise, geology/soils, agriculture, hazardous materials and hazards, paleontological resources, and cultural resources. The Revised DEIR also includes proposed mitigation measures that will offset and/or minimize any significant, adverse effects on the environment. The City's decision to prepare a Revised DEIR should not be construed as a recommendation of either approval or denial of this project. The Revised DEIR public review period is from Feb. 1, 2012 to March 16, 2012. The City invites members of the general public to review and comment on this environmental documentation.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Oceanside Circulation Element Update
City of Oceanside Circulation Element Update
City of Oceanside Circulation Element Update
City of Oceanside Circulation Element Update
City of Oceanside General Plan - Circulation Element Update