SCH Number 2009121001

Project Info

Studebaker LB, LLC Tank Removal Project
The project site is a nearby rectangular shaped 17.8 acres parcel located on the east side of Studebaker Road at the Loynes Frive/Studebaker Road intersection. The project site contains 6 above-ground storage tanks (ASTs), conveyance pipelines, and containment berms. The four large ASTs (tanks Nos. 1,2,3,4) originally stored Fuel Oil No. 6, which formerly fueled the adjacent power plant. The remaining smaller ASTs (Cutter Tanks A and B) have been used to store distilled oil. At present, the only operating facilities on the project site are Cutter Tank A, an operations shed, and conveyance pipelines, all of which are maintained by Plains Petroleum. The remainder of the project site lies dormant. The applicant (Studebaker LB, LLC) intends to remove the 4 large ASTs (tanks Nos. 1-4), Cutter Tank B (Cutter Tank A is still in use and will remain), and the above ground pipelines associated with these 5 ASTs. Tank demolition would take ~6 weeks to complete. Approximately two tanks and associated pipine would be demoolished at one time before moving on to the other tanks. The tanks would be demolished and stockpiled in bins until taken to a landfill. For the entire project, hauling the tank panels would use ~18 trucks for up to 2 days, while hauling the scrap metal would use up to 40 trucks over a 3 day period. Hauling would occur once all of the bins are loaded and would not occur during tank demolition. Pickup of demolished materials would be phased during non peak hours of potential traffic impacts. Trucks would enter and exit the project site through an access gate by the intersection of Loynes Drive/Studebaker Road.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Long Beach Studebaker LB, LLC Tank Removal Project
City of Long Beach Studebaker LB, LLC Tank Removal Project