SCH Number 2009111069

Project Info

Outdoor World Wireless Telecommunications Facility Major Use Permit
This is a request for a Major Use Permit to authorize the construction and operation of an unmanned wireless telecommunication facility. The proposed facility would consist of mounting 12 panel antennas and 1 microwave dish antenna inside of a new 30-foot tall RF transparent faux water tank, which is 16 feet in diameter. Supporting equipment would be enclosed within a 20' x 11'6" x 10' pre-fabricated equipment enclosure with 2 air conditioning units. The proposed faux water tank and equipment enclosure would be surrounded by an 8-foot tall CMU wall.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Diego County Outdoor World Wireless Telecommunications Facility Major Use Permit; P08-014; ER:08-21-002
San Diego County Outdoor World Wireless Telecommunications Facility Major Use Permit