SCH Number 2009101061

Project Info

Water Recycling Demonstration Project
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California has authorized a Local Resources Program agreement with the City of Anaheim to provide financial incentives for the proposed project. Pursuant to the provisions of CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines, the City of Anaheim, acting as the Lead Agency, adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration on January 26, 2010 for the Anaheim Water Recycling Demonstration Project. This project consists of installing a water recycling facility, associated appurtenant structures, and a recycled water distribution system, and would provide up to 110 acre-feet per year of recycled water for toilet flushing at Anaheim's Civic Center West Tower and landscape irrigation with Anaheim's service area.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Anaheim Addendum No. 1 to the Water Recycling Demonstration Project MND
City of Anaheim Addendum No. 1 to the Water Recycling Demonstration Project MND
City of Anaheim Water Recycling Demonstration Project
City of Anaheim Water Recycling Demonstration Project