SCH Number 2009091099
Project Info
- Title
- 2011 Kings County Regional Transportation Plan EIR
- Description
- California Government Code section 65080 et seq. and Title 23 United States Code (USC) section134 require Regional Transportation Planning Agencies (RTPA) and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO) to prepare long-range transportation plans to: 1) establish regional goals, 2) identify present and future needs, deficiencies and constraints, 3) analyze potential solution, 4) estimate available funding, and 5) propose investments. State Statutes require that the RTP serve as the foundation for the short-range transportation planning documents: the Regional and Federal Transportation Improvement Programs (RTIP and FTIP). The 2011 Kings County RTP is the long-range planning, policy, action, and financial document for the Kings County Region. The plan would cover a 25 year period from 2010 and 2035. The RTP identifies the region's transportation needs and issues and sets forth actions, programs, and projects to address those needs and issues. In addition, the RTP adopts policies, sets goals, and identifies financial resources to encourage and promote the safe and efficient management, operation, and development of a regional intermodal transportation system that would serve the mobility needs of goods and people.
2 documents in project