SCH Number 2009091050

Project Info

City of Monterey Bikeways Plan
(a) Create a system of bikeways linking key residential and development areas (North Fremont, Lighthouse District and Downtown) and connect these areas to neighboring communities, regional trails and local neighborhoods. (b) Encourage and support bicycle transportation for commute travel. (Commute travel refers to a person making a trip primarily for transportation purposes, such as work, school, or shopping). (c) Increase bicycle ridership including traditional bikes and alternative bikes (electric). (d) Increase education for bicycle safety as well as driver education for sharing the road. (e) Ensure bikeways are an integrated component of new development and transportation planning. (f) Utilize existing bikeway treatments and introduce innovative bikeway designs to expand and enhance the bike network.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Monterey Bikeways Master Plan
City of Monterey City of Monterey Bikeways Plan