SCH Number 2009082010
Project Info
- Title
- Bar-Or Land Division
- Description
- Pursuant to Marin County Coastal Zoning COde Sections 22.32.110I and 22.56130I a Land Divison and Coastal Permit was approved to divide APN 119-122-24, (historic lots 25 and 26 of Map No. 1 Point Reyes Lands Co., R.M.Bk 4. P.30). The project was approved to divide the APN into two lots that will be 3.53 acres (Parcel 1) and 6.77 acres (Parcel 2) in size. Parcel 1 will retain the existing residence and Parcel 2 will retain all existing equestrian facilities, and is approved for one new dwelling unit within the location of northern barn. A Conservation Area is approved that will encompass all of Tomasini Creek and the existing pond, and will protect the lands within 100 ft from the top of bank and the edge of pond, and 50 ft outward from the edge of riparian vegetation. The Conservation Area will total 5.3 acres in size and will preserve ~2.0 acres in Parcel 1, and ~3.3 acres in Parcel 2. The Conservation Area will be protected from future development. All existing facilities and improvements will remain. Access to both lots will be from Knob Hill Road. Parcel 2 will be granted a 23 ft wide access and utility easement through Parcel 1 that will be ~185 ft in length. Sanitary service will be provided by individual on-site sewage disposal. A section on the eastern portion of Parcel 1 will be reserved for a new mound septic system, which will be ~60 ft long and 50 ft wide, and will be used exclusively by Parcel 1. Parcel 2 will continue to use the existing septic system and leachfield in the southwest corner of the lot that is ~85 ft long and 35 ft wide. Water is currently provided to the site by North Marin Water District and construction of new water service facilities are not required. No vegetation of tree removal is approved.
2 documents in project