SCH Number 2009078134
Project Info
- Title
- Pier Avenue Street Improvement Project [SCH# 2008121073]
- Description
- The Project will eliminate all dry weather flows to the maximum extent possible and significantly reduce wet weather flows to reduce bacteria loading in the storm drain area outfalls at Hermosa Beach. The Project will increase the effective permeability of the drainage area by retrofitting the streetscape along Pier Avenue. The Project decreases the area of impervious surface of the streetscape, by decreasing the width of the street by five feet along the length of the Project and creating new vegetated areas in the center median and along the sidewalks. Landscaped bulb-outs placed at each of the nine intersections along both sides of Pier Avenue will be equiped with infiltration system inlets to intercept baseline dry weather and wet weather flows from the entire 36-acre drainage area.
2 documents in project