SCH Number 2009072038

Project Info

ConAgra Foods Aerated By-product Mud Pond and Rinse Mud Residue for Land Application as a Soil Amendment
NOTE: Review Per Lead ConAgra Foods has applied for a Stanislaus County Food Processing By-product Use Permit for land application of food processing by-products. This project includes the land-application of food processing by-product mud dredged from the ConAgra facility aerated ponds and by-product the ConAgra processing plant. These activities would be performed and enforced under the Stanislaus County Ordinance, Chapter 9.88 for food processing by-product use. Subject land application parcesl total ~1,096 acres. With required by-product application setbacks, subject land application parcels total 813 usable acres for by-product application. Land application will occur throughout the year. Application of by-product materials would not exceed limits based on agronomic rates for the crops or walnut and almond trees that are planted.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Stanislaus County ConAgra Foods Aerated By-product Mud Pond and Rinse Mud Residue for Land Application as a Soil Amendment
Stanislaus County ConAgra Foods Aerated By-product Mud Pond and Rinse Mud Residue for Land Application as a Soil Amendment