SCH Number 2009071068

Project Info

Stockdale Ranch (GPA/ZC 09-0263, Annexation No. 548)
NOTE: Review Per Lead The proposed Project consists of the annexation of the proposed Project site into the City of Bakersfield, amendments to the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan (MBGP) Land Use Element and Circulation Element and Circulation Element, and concurrent zone changes. The proposed Project requests plan amendments (GPA) that would allow for ~ 3,583 residential dwelling units on ~370.85 acres and ~941,700 total sf of general commercial/business park uses. A665,200 sf business park is proposed for the OC (Office Commercial) land use designation on ~43.63 acres. Tenant spaces would be flexible and would lend itself to a variety of uses. The remaining 25.39 acres would consist of 276,000 sf of general commercial uses. Additionally, ~20 acres of land will be reserved for OS-P (Open Space-Parks). The proposed Project also includes proposed collector and local roads and multi-use trail designated to the parallel the south side of Claudia Autumn Drive. An area located in the southeastern portion of the proposed Project site (with an existing water pump station facility) is owned by the Kern County Water Agency, and is part of the Agency's Cross Valley Canal property. This area is not proposed for re-designation or re-zoning.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Bakersfield Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7468 (Phased)
City of Bakersfield Stockdale Ranch (GPA/ZC 09-0263, Annexation No. 548)
City of Bakersfield Stockdale Ranch (GPA/ZC 09-0263, Annexation No. 548)