SCH Number 2009052006

Project Info

Serpentine Prairie Restoration Plan, Redwood Regional Park
The EBRPD has prepared the Serpentine Prairie Restoration Plan and Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration for Redwood Regional Park to restore the vitality and botanical diversity of the Redwood Regional Park Serpentine Prairie. Activities involved in implementing the proposed project include: tree and duff removal; installation of protective fencing; spring mowing and thatch treatment (raking); soil pile removal; soil decompaction and revegetation; and decommissioning, realigning and repairing existing recreation trails within the restoration area. Future phases may include: prescribed burning and short-term grazing.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
East Bay Regional Parks District Serpentine Prairie Restoration Plan, Redwood Regional Park
East Bay Regional Parks District Serpentine Prairie Restoration Plan, Redwood Regional Park