SCH Number 2009042075

Project Info

Ohlone Mixed-Use Project
The proposed project is a Planned Development (PD) Rezoning application from HI, Heavy Industrial District, to A(PD), Planned Development District to allow the construction of a mixed use development consisting of up to 800 condominium/apartment and live/work residential dwelling units and 30,000 sf of ground-level retail space along W. San Carlos Street on an approximately 8.23-gross-acre site. The project will include General Plan amendment(s) to the Midtown Specific Plan to allow the increased density of approximately 125 DU/AC, height, and changes in the Vasona Mall subarea urban design guidelines applicable to this project site. Transit service for the project includes the VTA Light Rail line that crosses the southeasterly corner of the project site; a future station that is planned between W. San Carlos Street and Auzerais Avenue; and VTA local bus services (and a planned Bus Rapid Transit line) along W. San Carlos Street. The project includes a new mid-block north-south street connecting W. San Carlos Street and Auzerais Avenue along the westerly light industrial interface; the extension of Earle Street easterly to Sunol Street; and a pedestrian paseo connecting the new north-south street with Sunol Street. This street configuration results in the creation of three small urban blocks in the place of one large industrial block. Within each small block is planned a podium building containing two levels of parking below mixed-use high density residential buildings of up to approximately 160 feet (14 stories) in height. Lower elements, up to 60+ feet (5 stories), are planned along major street frontages; taller buildings are to be set back about 40 feet from W. San Carlos Street and positioned at other key locations with the small blocks. Live/Work units could be positioned on the ground floor locations around the perimeter of the project. The buildings are planned with minimal or no public street setback; however, there are widened streetscapes and sidewalks at the retail areas. Large podium gardens are to be provided within each block and common and active public spaces are planned. The Project will be dedicating and improving 3.99 acres of public parkland adjacent to Del Monte Park on the easterly side of Sunol Avenue between Auzerais and W. Home Street.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of San Jose Ohlone Mixed-Use Project
City of San Jose Ohlone Mixed-Use Project