SCH Number 2009032054
Project Info
- Title
- Ohlone Greenway Master Plan
- Description
- The project proposes to conduct in stream and creek bank rehabilitation in two separate areas of El Cerrito Creek identified as site A and Site B. At site A, the project is limited to the removal of an existing pedestrian bridge and excavation of two wooden pilings using hand tools, the area will be backfilled with 0.44 cubic yards of crush rock and soil Temporary water diversion will be installed during excavation and slopes will be regarded following completion, the project will temporarily impact 60 linear feet. At site B, the project is limited to bank stabilization and grading of 90 linear feet of stream bank, Invasive vegetation will be removed at both sites and re-vegetation work will be conducted at both sites as well. Equipment to be employed includes bobcats, excavators, and hand-tools. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife is executing a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2013-0028-R3 to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project Applicant, Yvetteh Oritz, City of El Cerrito.
2 documents in project