SCH Number 2009031018
Project Info
- Title
- Downtown El Cajon Specific Plan
- Description
- Note: Recirculated The proposed El Cajon Downtown Specific Plan, located on 541 acres within the downtown Redevelopment Project Area in the City of El Cajon, would replace two existing downtown area specific plans with updated development standards and design guidelines, would identify a clear entitlement process for future projects, and would coordinate the provision of public infrastructure in support of future redevelopment over the next 30 years. Implementation of the proposed ECDSP would require the discretionary actions of certification of this PEIR (including adoption of a Statement of Overriding Considerations and adoption of the MMRP), a General Plan Amendment, a Specific Plan amendment, adoption of the proposed Specific Plan and Design Guidelines, and rezone of the ECDSP area to a Mixed-Use zone.
3 documents in project