SCH Number 2009022086
Project Info
- Title
- Hetfield Estates Subdivision
- Description
- This NOD addresses related approvals (General Development Plan (GDP), Vesting Tentative Map (VTM), Conditional Use Permit and Hillside Development Permit) for a previously approved project, the seven-lot Hetfield Estates subdivision. The project was approved and evaluated in a Final EIR certified by Town of Moraga on July 16, 2012 (2012 Final EIR). The Town prepared an EIR addendum to evaluate the alignment of a proposed firetrail/EVA that was included in the GDP and VTM. No new impacts or increase in severity of previously identified impacts were found, and all other aspects of the project were found to be consistent with that analyzed in the previously certified Hetfield Place Final EIR.
3 documents in project