SCH Number 2008112107

Project Info

Turk Island Landfill Consolidation and Residential Subdivision
The project involves relocation of landfill debris from the 6.3-acre Parcel "C" to the adjacent Turk Island Landfill followed by backfill of Parcel C with clean imported soil and subsequent development as a 33-unit residential subdivision. Off-site improvements to the adjacent Sea Breeze Park are also proposed, including a new play structure, an interpretive trail adjacent to the existing stormwater retention ponds, expansion of the parking lot, and improvements to/refurbishment of some existing facilities.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Union City Turk Island Landfill Consolidation and Residential Subdivision
Union City Turk Island Landfill Consolidation and Residential Subdivision
Union City Turk Island Landfill Consolidation and Residential Subdivision
Union City Turk Island Landfill Consolidation and Residential Subdivision
Union City Turk Island Landfill Consolidation and Residential Subdivision