SCH Number 2008112029
Project Info
- Title
- Midway RV Park CUP Modification
- Description
- A Coastal Development Permit (CDP) to allow repairs to an existing septic system and leachfields for the Midway R.V. Park that has done under an Emergency CDP. Three 2,500 gallon septic tanks as well as one 1,500 gallon tank will be installed on the property. Two leachfields will be repaired, an existing redwood water tank will be removed and a new water filtration system with two new 5,000 gallon tanks will be installed. A Modification to the existing Conditional Use Permit is also requested to bring the R.V. Park into compliance with the current level of use. This Modification will allow the park to operate in conjunction with the permitted level of use allowed under permits from the California Department of Housing. A Special Permit is required for Design Review. A Notice of Merger is also required to merge the two underlying parcels.
2 documents in project