SCH Number 2008111084
Project Info
- Title
- Conditional Use Permit #08-0027 (LADW&P/OptiSolar Power Plant & Facilities/68 MW)
- Description
- All on-site storm water park/retention areas shall be so designed as to drain or evaporate completely within seventy-two hours of any storm event so that there is no standing water at the end of that period. The design of the basins shall provide for erosion control and provide sufficient manintenance access by the maintenance crew for the prompt removal of trash, control of vegetation creating vector habitat, and oth service functions. The bottom of the basin or area shall be designed with a smooth gradient so that water does not randomly collect in pockets and Mosquito Abatement Program shall be submitted to the Imperial County Environmental Health Division/Health Department for review and approval prior to the issuance of the initial grading/drainage construction permit.
2 documents in project